Panasonic RX-D70BTEG-K rx-d70bteg-k
DKK 1.399,-
Bred kompatibilitet af lydkilder
Udover at understøtte radioudsendelser som FM eller DAB+, kan D70BT også afspille en lang række populære lydkilder, herunder cd'er, Bluetooth, USB og AUX. I en nøddeskal er det en alt-i-en radio, der giver dig mulighed for at nyde din yndlingsmusik via en lang række medier.
Stream din musik trådløst
D70BT understøtter Bluetooth, så du kan lytte til musik på din smartphone via en trådløs forbindelse. Betjening af afspilning og lydstyrke er også lige så nemt som at trykke på en knap, der nemt forvandler D70BT til en stereo højttaler.
Moderne og stilfuld med fremragende brugervenlighed
Med sin smarte finish og det stilfulde frontpanel med formstøbt net, optræder den firkantede form på D70BT med et moderne, minimalistisk design, der passer perfekt til forskellige rumindretninger. For at sikre brugervenlighed har frontpanelet desuden et fuldt dot matrix display og store knapper til nem tuning på forudstillede numre og radiostationer.
Lyd i høj kvalitet i et kompakt kabinet
D70BT har to 8 cm brede fullrange højttalere. De enkelte højttaler undertrykker støj udefra i begge sider. Desuden gør basreflexporten på bagsiden det muligt at gengive kraftfuld baslyd. Som følge heraf får du klar lyd i høj kvalitet fra den kompakte krop.
Skarp dialog, så det er nemmere at lytte
Clear-mode dialog forbedre vokallyden fra fronthøjttalerne og gør dialogen tydeligere, så den er nemt at lytte til. Især for ældre brugere, der har et høreproblem, kan denne funktion være nyttig, når en dialog er svær at høre.
RMS Output Power 10% THD 2W + 2W (RMS)
CD / DVD Playback Disc *1 CD-R / RW
Codec/Decorder MP3
SPEAKER SYSTEM 8cm full range
Battery Charge USB standard 1A
Wireless Audio Playback yes
Remote Control yes
Connectivity yes (8)
Station Presets FM 30 stations
DAB Plus 30 stations
Auto Tuning yes
Antenna FM Rod Antenna
Super Sound EQ, Super Bass Sound Bass
Preset EQ 5EQ
Clear-mode dialog yes
USB Port Type A x1
Audio IN AUX x1 (Pinjack/3.5mm)
Audio OUT Phones(3.5mm)
Power Supply AC 220 - 240V, 50Hz
Dimmer 3step
Auto OFF yes
Display Type CD/ Backlight/ Full Dot/ Black background clock display at AC standby
Language Indication *5 Alphabet English, Italiano, Deutesch, Francais
Timer Sleep yes (120 / 90 / 60 / 30 minutes)
Clock yes (Need to keep 1 year)
Play Timer Everyday/Day of Week/Date, Sound Source Setting, Setting Start and End Time
Battery Battery Operation D(R20/LR20) × 6 pcs
Main Unit Dimensions (W x H x D) 310 x 128 x 205 mm
NOTE *1 Playability may vary depending on the contents, discs and quality of the recording.
NOTE *2 Only a USB flash drive. Playback is not possible from a portable device (Apple, Android, etc.) using a USB extension cable.
NOTE *3 Download on the App Store. Download on Google Play?.
NOTE *4 Specifications are subject to change without notice. All numbers given here are approximate.
NOTE *5 DAB information only
LEGAL NOTICE Recording and playback of content on this (or any other) device may require permission from the copyright owner. Panasonic has no authority to and does not grant you that permission and explicitly disclaims any right, ability or intention to obtain such permission on your behalf. It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of this or any other device complies with applicable copyright law in your country.
TRADEMARK NOTICE Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc./Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc./The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Panasonic Corporation is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners./The N-Mark is a trademark or registered trademark of NFC Forum, Inc. in the United States and in other countries./Qualcomm is a trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated, registered in the United States and other countries. Used with permission. AllPlay is a trademark of Qualcomm Connected Experiences, Inc., registered in the United States and other counties. Used with permission.

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